It has been a few days since a comprehensive and readable article by the analyst of political issues, Abdullahi Rahnamo, entitled "THE POSITION OF TAJIKISTAN OR WHY THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN IS NOT AN AGGRESSIVE COUNTRY"  has been published on the social network. It turns out that the discerning reader gets spiritual pleasure by reading it and praises the author for closing the mouths of "baseless politicians" with such a way of writing. The advantage of the article is manifested in the fact that the author, relying on historical sources, facts and figures, raised a very important and controversial topic of the border dispute. As a matter of fact, after reading the article, there is no doubt that we call it a "border dispute". Because we are negotiating with a neighboring country for a territory that is historically the property of Tajikistan, and it is not small. 210 thousand hectares, which is equal to the border of the state of Luxembourg. As a matter of fact, the past of more than 1000 years clearly shows that the present-day territory of the lands of most of Central Asia, beyond those countries of Pakistan, India, and Azerbaijan, were the lands of the Tajiks, who were also called Great Khurasan. Let's not turn the pages of 1000 years of history and follow only one hundred years based on the writings of Abdullah Rohnamo. The author has really put a lot of effort into writing the truth. From the archives of 1924 to 1937, it is known that during the Soviet era, Tajikistan gave these lands as a temporary lease to the neighboring republic in order to improve the economy of the people of the country. It is well known that today's territory of Khistevarz village, border lands of Vorukh Chorkuh, Chorkhishlaq Surkh, Chilgazi and Lakkoni of Isfara city, border lands of Mastchoh Mountains in total 210 thousand hectares have been transferred to the Kyrgyz Republic. Not satisfied with this, they cross our border every year and claim that we have taken their lands. This is the reason for the border conflicts. It is sad for us when the village community of Vorukh, which has a history of more than 3 thousand years, as a Tajik-inhabited region, does not have an unhindered access to the territory of the city of Isfara. It hurts for us when we ask the Kyrgyz for permission to repair the KhujandKonibodom highway. It is painful for us that Kyrgyz traders sell fuel for us on the territory of Tajikistan. It hurts us when the Kyrgyz easily enter the territory of Tajikistan and use our market, and we cannot use their way.

We are confident that with the wise instructions of the founder of peace and national unity - the leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the honorable Emomali Rahmon, the special working commission within the framework of international documents and in all negotiations, the Tajik side uses legal documents that are the official document defining the border between the states. That is, our claim is not a fictitious claim, and according to the markings of the founding of the Tajikistan Soviet Socialist Republic, our territory was given to us with the same 210 thousand hectares of land that is today in the territory of the neighboring country, but for the purpose of the development of the people's economy of the newly established Kyrgyz Republic, these lands were given to us. It was given as pasture land, which the Kyrgyz are proud of in this area. In 1948, 1967 and 1989, the Kyrgyz side made a full effort to formalize these territories, but the Cabinet of Ministers of Tajikistan did not allow this historical mistake. The action that is being taken today at the level of the leadership of the neighboring country does not correspond to the ritual of neighborliness and not to the requirements of international documents. Two conflicts, which unfortunately ended with a lot of loss of life and property, happened precisely because of the fault of the neighboring side. One should work according to justice and truth. Making history out of non-history will never be forgiven by future generations. Friendship is the best gift. War brings destruction and poverty. After that, a deep conclusion should be drawn, and the article of Abdullahi Rohnamo must be read and accepted by the enlightened people of the neighboring country.

Ataeva T.H. , PITTU after M. Osimi